Egypt Data

Digital Egypt has a wide range of GIS mapping data, including Administrative Boundaries, Geocoded Points and Polygons for residential and landmark buildings, Points of Interest (POI), a complicated street network. Our company uses very high standards when it comes to GIS drafting and data entry. Besides being very precise, our mapping data is both elegant and coherent.

Data is collected using mobile applications developed in-house and custom made for our own data collection.

Landmarks and POIs GIS data are in Arabic and English Language, and have the full address and contacts, which include 4 phone numbers, web, email and social media links. Every phone number and link is verified quarterly.

Geocoded buildings and landmarks are again bilingual, with full address, and are represented as Polygons and Points. Further, a footprint layer defines the outer edge of a building.

Administrative Boundaries GIS data is bilingual, and include:

  • Governorates
  • Haii
  • Districts
    • Qism
    • Markaz
  • Shyakhas

GIS data is drafted using Geographical Coordinate System WGS 1984

Data can be delivered in a variety of formats, including ESRI Shapefile, JSON, GeoJSON, MDB, and KML/KMZ.